CDP Executive Board Reports

While there are whiffs of deal in Sacramento this weekend, via John Myers, I’m at the CDP E-board meeting. You can catch my tweets here.

The CDP released a new training program, focused on changing some of the red disticts into blue.  You can find information about the training here.  While we have majorities pretty much everywhere, the 2/3 rules pretty much dictate that we need more seats.

Meanwhile, the Progressive Caucus is having some break out sessions. The first is about the budget with Sen. Hancock and Asm. Torrico. Later Sen. Mark Leno will talk about single payer healthcare, he has inherited the bill from termed out Sen. Shiela Keuhl.

6 thoughts on “CDP Executive Board Reports”

  1. I could not be more pleased to see Mark Leno pick up SB 840 and run it up the flag pole again.  If ever there was a comprehensive single-payer plan that does not have a role for the insurance industry that could be used as a model for insurnace reform on a national level, THIS is IT!  Too bad Senator bow-tie does not belive the votes are there – despite the 76% of public support for a public option.  Re the CDP – we don’t just need more Dems, we need better Dems.  Just sayin’

  2. that we’re seeing in the CDP. This was my first E-Board meeting as a new rep, and I am completely impressed. After having a couple of experiences with the party of Art Torres, the new leadership is a breath of fresh air. I am looking forward to attending the new training that they’re rolling out, and also to having more laughs over John Burton’s off-the-cuff style.

    It’s lovely not to get “shhhhhush”‘ed by the Party Chair anymore!  

  3. And it’s probably closer to my one hundred and first E.Board Meeting or Convention than my first. I’ve never seen one more positive,energised or informative meeting. Improved logistics, improved transparency and extraordinary staff work left delegates feeling positive,united and ready to start turning red areas blue.

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