July 17 Open Thread

The CDP’s E-board is this weekend just outside of San Francisco, in Burlingame. I’ll (Brian) be tweeting about my experience, here’s my twitter feed. If you are at the event, be sure to say hi!


• There was a little dustup with Meg Whitman, Prop 8, and her religion. Apparently, Leah Garchik said that eMeg blamed her support of inequality on her Catholicism  but then Tucker Bounds, her spokesperson, and McCain’s designated punching bag, said that she is, in fact, a Presbyterian. In the meantime, Carla Marinucci wrote a blog post about it, and then pulled it down.  On the other hand, Beth Spotswood’s hilarious post on the subject is still up.  Completely factually accurate it may not be, but it is loaded with truthiness.

• Today’s news from the Labor Department of another 66,500 jobs lost in June brings us to a situation where we have lost the entire amount of jobs in the 2003-2007 economic expansion in just the two years since.

• Teabaggers continue to pester Mary Bono Mack over her vote for the Waxman-Markey climate and energy bill.  Between that and Steve Pougnet’s strong Democratic challenge, she’s being squeezed from both sides.

• Speaking of teabaggers racists, this city councilman from Atwater has been sending out inflammatory emails defaming President Obama and the First Lady in racially offensive language for months.  And when questioned about it, he failed to express regret or even really account for it.

• The other major BART union rejected the contract offer, so it looks like they’re going back to the bargaining table. For now, no strike is planned, and the unions say they would provide plenty of notice before any action.

• It’s the home buying season. Prices and sales are up slightly in the Bay Area, but down in Sacramento.

• Is the prison guard union considering a strike vote?

• UCSD got hacked, causing quite the worry among possible victims. I’ve (Brian) been a victim of this type of incident at Berkeley, and highly recommend all potential victims make use of their rights to place a fraud watch on their credit report.

3 thoughts on “July 17 Open Thread”

  1. The elections of late have been referendums on the subject of “she’s OK, I like her.”  I spoke to so many in 2006 who agreed with Roth’s positions, but just liked her, they were used to voting for her.

    Bornstein was resolutely nonpartisan, and she didn’t peg MBM with her Bushbot record. I hope Poughnet can take full advantage of the facts.  Bono always has a vote or two to point to on the environment or healthcare.  She has my wholehearted thanks for those.  But on these issues overall, not good-

    her Progressive Punch score

    She’s an obedient proxy for the Republican leadership, period.  We have no excuse for leaving her in office.

  2. i am a mexican and i am a teabagger.  i do not want government borrowing to provide for every body.  But, of course, i am a racist.  i never knew i could be one – my father’s entire town of jews was killed for being jewish, and my mother’s people are a “URM”, but i guess that makes me a racist kike/beaner.  you guys make me sick.  

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