Scenes From A Failed State


Karen Bass, on a budget deal that closes a $26 billion dollar deficit with deep cuts, local government raids, gimmicks and offshore drilling, without any new revenues:

“I would characterize this budget as shared pain and shared sacrifice”

Yes, it sounds shared to me.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, talking about a budget that will bankrupt localities, treat the elderly, disabled and blind like common criminals, throw millions off of children’s health care and temporary assistance and ensure public education’s status as the worst-funded in the nation:

“We accomplished a lot in this budget agreement,” said Schwarzenegger, adding that negotiations at times were “like a suspense movie.”



This flag was seen in Southern California yesterday.  That’s a distress signal.  I share the sentiment.

UPDATE: I forgot this quote from Planet Reality:

“This is the biggest step back from protecting and investing in vulnerable Californians in a generation,” said Frank Mecca, executive director of the California Welfare Directors Association.

13 thoughts on “Scenes From A Failed State”

  1. by selling this crapfest as a victory, esp. with smiling faces, they now own the crushing consequences, and subsequent tax and public employee-busting county and municipal bankruptcies they’ve set into motion.

    fucking idiots. any hope of hanging this on the GOP just evaporated.

  2. When I was in kindergarten, we were told to share. That meant you had to let everybody use your favorite crayon color. Give cupcakes to everyone when you brought them. And have everybody pick up the little pieces of construction paper off the floor after cutting snowflakes.

    It has been a long time since kindergarten. But I wasn’t aware that “shared” now means we slash everything that matters to the citizens of the state and the big corporations and Republican tax cutters give up nothing. In fact, they get to keep all the goodies they extorted as part of their February tax “deal.” We get more cuts, more oil drilling (without any new fees), and more borrowing.

    Anybody want to chip in for a dictionary to send to our state “leaders”? They’ve clearly forgotten what we learned in kindergarten about sharing.

  3. I’ve got folks asking me what, when, and where.  Is anything being organized to ask our reps to throw this one to the shredder?

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