Sorry for the lack of open threads last week during Netroots Nation. But now we’re back on the open thread saddle. Here we go:
• SF City Attorney Dennis Herrera has confirmed that Supervisor Chris Daly actually lives in his district. There was a big brouhaha in SF about this because Daly bought two houses out in Fairfield in Solano County, and his wife and children moved out there to be close to family. Everybody had a position on this, and there is a lot of spilled pixels. But, for the time being, it’s just more grist for the Daly mill.
• Our own David Dayen was the winner of the CREDO Mobile Netroots award for best state blogger. Thanks to everybody who tolerated my (Brian) annoying posts, tweets and other reminders to vote for him.
• The LA Times weighs in on the push to repeal Prop 8. Back in 2008, they opposed Prop 8, and they’d like to see it repealed. However, like EQCA, they’re a cautious bunch, and argue that the campaign wait for 2012.
• Lt. Gov John Garamendi on the who and what of replacing him if he’s elected in the CA-10.
• The Bad News section. Sorry to do this, but let’s just muddle through it quickly. First, there’s the bad economic forecasts for the SoCal Ports. Then you have the fact that the last car plant in California, NUMMI, is very likely looking at closure soon. ANd then if you want to retrain, look for longer lines and fewer classes at community colleges across the state.
• Grassroots activists in Southern California are working to fund a poll to test messages on 2/3rds repeal designed by George Lakoff. Interested in funding that effort? $35,000 is needed. Help out here. To check out what this group is about (I, Dante, started the Facebook page), show that you know the net better than John McCain by clicking here.
i’ve been off the internetland for a couple days. good news there, the win for Dayden. I was happy to vote, good to see the result.
Every class was packed to the max. I’ve seen about 50 extra students trying to get into a class that can only hold 30.