I’m not sure I exactly know what to think:
Although Democrats enjoy strong majorities in both legislative houses and California’s congressional delegation – and hold all but two statewide offices – the left wing of the party is quite displeased, especially about cuts in health, welfare and education services to close a state budget deficit.
So what does the left want? A more aggressive legislative leadership and big changes in the state constitution, eliminating two-thirds votes for taxes and the budget are big on the agenda. Those and other goals were spelled out during a California-oriented panel discussion at the Netroots Nation convention in Pittsburgh, which featured several bloggers and policy wonks from the state.
Dante Atkins posted a rough transcript of the discussion by Dave Daye [sic], Jean Ross, Robert Cruickshank and Kai Stinchcombe on the Calitics website, available here.
Yeah, I wonder why we’re displeased! Maybe, just maybe, it’s that despite our overwhelming majorities, we can’t pass any sort of policy that reflects Democratic values?
Don’t you just love how objective truth just flies out the window? Of course, the comments are even more hilarious.
Dan Walters is reading Calitics!
and even weirder typo on Dayen’s name. It makes him sound like someone in a boy band.
It would be refreshing if Walters noted the massive tax cut for the few corporations contained in the February budget deal. We do have some obvious reasons for our displeasure, and that’s just one.
The “goals” aren’t eliminating 2/3s and stiffening the resolve of the leaders, those are means. The goal is a state that functions.