Ken Calvert’s fear mongering on health care

Last night, President Obama addressed the nation on an issue we all know is critically important: making sure every American receives quality, affordable health care.  Obama echoed the words of the late Sen. Ted Kennedy who wrote that accomplishing this goal will truly show the “character of our country.”

Ken Calvert’s response?  Falsehoods, fabrication and fear mongering.  Just read what he had to say:

“It’s the pathway to nationalized health care.” – Press-Enterprise

“The public option is an absolute deal killer.” – Orange County Register

Enough is enough!  

The public option is designed to do two things – keep costs down by increasing competition, and ensure coverage for all Americans.

Calvert’s line in the sand stands in the way of progress and it helps no one.  That’s not the kind of leadership we need.

My position couldn’t be more clear: I support fundamental health care reform – and I support it now!



Bill Hedrick is the Democratic candidate for Congress in California’s 44th CD.  In 2008, he came within 2% of defeating a 16-year incumbent after being outspent 5 to 1.  For more information please visit