Public option politics: Lessons for CA Majority Rule?

Below is a link to an excellent story on the changing political winds regarding a robust public option for healthcare (hint: good winds blowing!).…

The fight for the public option is instructive for those of us trying to get California on the right track.

The efforts of activists to pressure recalcitrant congressmembers to support a public option have managed to get the real issues out in the public eye. Once the public has understood the isses, support for a public option has grown and grown.

We need Majority Rule rule in the California legislature just as urgently as we need a progressive, affordable health insurance option.

Every single day, for months on end, we’ve been told “the public option is dead.” Yet all signs point to the real possibility of a good bill getting to Obama’s desk.

Why should we listen to the nay sayers who are telling us that the voters won’t support majority rule for our legislature? The answer is clear, we shouldn’t.

If we can, from the bottom up, take a giant step toward public health insurance in this country (and make no mistake, this has been a bottom up movement) we can also, from the bottom up, bring majority rule to California.

Yes we can.

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