The Last Straw

Yesterday, the Senate Finance Committee voted twice against including a critical public option in the health care reform bill – even though poll after poll shows an overwhelming majority of Americans want this reform!

It’s the final straw!

I’m frustrated and disappointed, just as I’m sure you are.  But I refuse to take this lying down.  Yesterday’s results mean we need to fight harder for the beliefs we share, and we need someone who shares those beliefs to go to Washington to fight for them.

I’ve been thinking back to why I initially entered this race in 2007 — my concern about the policies that were sending my son and daughters-in-law back to Iraq for a second tour of duty.  Next week I’m going to Fort Benning, Georgia, to see my son and daughter-in-law off — again.  They will be starting their third tours of duty in Iraq.

Trillions of dollars have been spent to bail out banks and to wage a misguided and costly war in the Middle East, yet when it comes to things like health care and education for average, ordinary, hard-working Americans it’s always a struggle.

And now prospects appear dim for a public option
that will help control costs and keep insurance companies honest.

There is work to be done.  I’m running for Congress to support real reforms – exactly what ordinary, hard working Americans need and are crying out for.

Help me send the message that we have had it with the empty rhetoric and political games.  Join our campaign and help me bring real reform to Washington!  

This is the final straw!

