November 2009 Election Results

As we keep a watch on some of the big races back east, including the Maine marriage equality battle that has turned out to be every bit the nailbiter we expected, we’ll be using this as a thread to update some of the California races on today’s ballot.

CA-10 results from Secretary of State:

28% reporting

Garamendi: 56.1%

Harmer: 39.5%

Also, have a look at Ballotpedia’s list of CA local initiatives. We’ll provide updates of some of the higher profile issues, including SF initiatives, Salinas Measure K (sales tax), Ventura Measure A (sales tax), among others.

Feel free to post updates from measures you’re following in the comments.

UPDATE 3: Ventura Measure A going down, 44-56.

UPDATE 2: AP and SF Chronicle call it for Garamendi.

UPDATE: Salinas Measure K (sales tax) doing poorly with absentee votes. As you see above, Garamendi maintains his sizable lead.

8 thoughts on “November 2009 Election Results”

  1. Does CC not report by precinct?  They are showing 60,000 votes in and no precincts.  It’s game over based on Garamendi’s lead there alone.  

  2. is ahead by 30 votes so far (191 yes, 161 no) but i don’t think it will get 2/3 votes in needs.  

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