Items to watch at the CDP E-board.

Some events to watch at the CDP E-Board from San Diego.

  • Caucuses: The rules committee is reviewing the definition of a caucus. There are 19 caucuses right now, three more pending, with several more being discussed. the total amount spent on the caucuses now exceeds the amount brought into the CDP by the state central committee.  The question going forward is how the party can support the caucuses and define them, rather than their existence.
  • Legislative committee: In the past, the leg cmmte has been fairly toothless. The members and supporters of the cmte are looking to be able to specifically endorse bills at the federal and state levels. A rules cmte subcommittee has been looking into this matter and should have some sort of recommendation either at this meeting or before the convention next spring.
  • The DNC races: One male and one female spot are up for election. We’ll be sure to let you know the results as soon as we hear.
  • 11 thoughts on “Items to watch at the CDP E-board.”

    1. I’d like all information possible from the sub Committee hearings.I can’t make the meeting and was supposed to be on the Caucus’s Sub-Committee. I’m especially interested in your

      analysis of the testimony and committee reaction.

    2. Any update on the organizing tools they’re making available and the terms they’re offering them under is always appreciated.

      So sorry I couldn’t make it but thanks to everyone for the updates here and on the twitterpipe!

    3. The CDP Rules Committee was charged with developing Guidelines for the Legislative Action and Equal Opportunity Committee (LAEOC) at the July CDP Executive Board mtg.

      It seems Rules has been so focused on the Caucus stuff they haven’t gotten to the LAEOC Guidelines in a serious way yet. There is no Rules Committee discussion of the Guidelines at the San Diego CDP mtg in process as far as I know.

      Asked how the LAEOC should proceed since no approved Guidelines are in place, the CDP said we should use the Policies the Committee approved for itself previously. That is what we’ve done.

      We are empowered to take recommendations on both State and federal legislation, evaluate and recommend a position for the CDP to take as a body.

      Since July, we received requests to support two federal bills:

      1. HR 1466 (Waters) To concentrate Federal resources aimed at the prosecution of drug offenses on those offenses that are major.

      2. H. R. 3699 (Lee) To prohibit any increase in the number of members of the United States Armed Forces serving in Afghanistan.

      There was a conference call of the LAEOC’s sub-committee on feg legislation to discuss these bills. The sub-committee voted in favor of putting both of on the LAEOC consent Calendar for approval and referral to the whole CDP Executive Board meeting tomorrow.

      There is a form any registered Democrat can use to submit a request to take a position on State or federal legislation. It is not on line at the moment. I’ll ask the CDP if they can get it up.

      That’s all for now.

      Janet Stromberg

      14th AD CDP Executive Board Rep

      Lead Co-chair, CDP LAEOC

    4. Mostly of interest to the county central committees: The MOE system is now considered an “in-kind” donation to DCCs. In other words, the CDP has dropped the fees for counties to use it. Since this was a major reason for its lack of adoption, it seems a good move.

      I also asked whether the counties will “own” any data they upload and the answer was yes. This information will persist in the database and the county will continue to have access to any notes or other information they added. That was another stumbling block the CDP has removed.

      From what I heard, it seems like a good move that should be welcomed by counties.

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