AD-72: Norby and MacMurray Face Run-Off

In the special election to replace former Asm. and known braggart Mike Duvall, the real winner was “Don’t Care.”  Turnout was about 17%, with most of that coming from votes by mail, about what you would expect from an election that was obscure even to many residents of the district. However, Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby finished with a lead over both Democrat John MacMurray and Linda Ackerman, the wife of former Senator Dick Ackerman. (Full results here)

None of the other candidates had the money to mount an extensive campaign, but MacMurray, who has run for the seat previously, outpolled Ackerman, putting him in second place.

Norby credited his 25 years as an elected official in the area for his strong showing. “The voters were familiar with me. They knew my record,” Norby said. “I think I can take that experience to Sacramento and help turn this state around.”

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Norby, who won more than 37% of the vote, will be in a runoff on Jan. 12 with MacMurray and Rands. Because nearly 43% of the district’s voters are Republican, however, observers say there would be little doubt about the outcome. (LA Times)

As some have pointed out here, the Ackerman’s aren’t necessarily the most magnanimous losers. While it would be shocking for them to get actively involved in the campaign, it would surprise exactly nobody if they sat on their hands.

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