When Did Ron Nehring Stop Beating His “Romantic Partner”?

An interesting scandal is unfolding over in the California Republican Party, involving its chair, Ron Nehring. As the SacBee reports, a San Diego Republican official is the target of a removal effort for asking questions about charges Nehring was “brutalizing a former romantic partner”:

This week the San Diego Republican Party executive committee, led by Tony Krvaric, chair of the San Diego party, called a meeting for Feb. 8 to discuss the removal of Michael Crimmins, an ex-officio member of its central committee. The executive committee recommended Crimmins’ expulsion, in part for sending an e-mail to state party leaders that raised concerns about behavior by Nehring and Krvaric.

Crimmins, a retired Marine Corps officer and congressional candidate in the 53rd District in San Diego County, referenced allegations, initiated in an anonymous e-mail broadly disseminated to the party and media last fall, that Nehring brutalized a former romantic partner.

Keeping it classy, Nehring is also accused of trying to intimidate the woman in question into staying silent:

A separate, anonymous counterpunch was distributed via e-mail Thursday among party activists announcing a news conference after the Feb. 8 meeting that purportedly would call for the removal of Krvaric and Nehring from their posts. One justification, the e-mail stated, was that the two men allegedly harassed Nehring’s former partner for considering bringing her story to legal authorities.

This isn’t exactly a “pass the popcorn” moment since we are dealing with allegations of undefined brutality against a woman, but it is revealing that Republicans are trying to keep this as quiet as possible. Instead of ensuring Nehring answers all questions, they’re trying to shut down any discussion of the matter.

Typical, really.  

5 thoughts on “When Did Ron Nehring Stop Beating His “Romantic Partner”?”

  1. Nehring is really nothing but Emperor Norquists Darth Maul. He’ll end up on the wrong side of a light saber or under the intergalactic bus.

    Be nice if someone like Gloria Allred picked up Nehrings partner as a client.  

  2. In the years that I have known Ron there have been many “anonymous” unsubstantiated accusations against him, none of which was ever proven.  They were always very vague and unspecific.  They were always presented in the form of a question (did he do this or that, when did he start, when did he stop, or is he still doing it?)  Again, none of them ever substantiated.  It is about time this person be removed from any position in the party.  There is no room for egomaniacs unable to attain recognition by useful and productive action.  This is like the kid in school who acts up just to get attention.

  3. Of course, if this was some higher up with the Democrats, Cruickshank would be doing his best to cover that up, assuming it’s true.

  4. Here are some facts for you since you think you know so much!

    FACT: Ron Nehring threatened to kill his girlfiend if she ever went to the police. “What did you think would happen if you called them? Let me tell you one of two things would happen. You would be in court for the next 5 years of your life or there would be bloodshed. You have no idea what you almost triggered. NONE.” (Nehring)

    FACT: Nehring also threatened to kill himself if she went to the police. “Because had you done that I would be the one dead from a self inflicted wound. And don’t think I am speaking metaphorically.” (Nehring)

    FACT: Nehring threatened to kill himself when another one of his victims threatened to go to the press. “You have started a chain reaction of events that may leave me with no remaining reason to live. I will try to leave things in as much order as I can. I hope the blood satisfies you.” (Nehring)

    FACT: Nehring knows his victims have the evidence needed to destroy him. “It’s too late. Everything was handed over to another person.” (Nehring).

    Here is a question for you! If Nehring didn’t do it why is he threatening to kill his victims and kill himself?

    Don’t believe the above quotes are real and verifiable? Ask Nehring. We’d love for him to lie about this too and make it that much easier to discredit him when the time comes.

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