March 17 Open Thread


*  The State rejected all the bids for the OC Fairgrounds. The state had predicted they would get $180 million, but ended up with a max bid of $56 million.  Yay for unrealistic budgeting!

*  Jerry Brown tells unions to “attack” Whitman. Whitman calls that cynical, apparently thinking that attempting to buy the race is full of puppies and daffodils.

*  Speaking of cynical, Whitman had, in a previous bid of partisanship grandeur, pledged to only hire Republicans for the top 300 spots in her Administration. She’s now reconsidering that now that it appears she’s kicking Poizner’s butt.

*  President Obama is going to do a fundraiser for Sen. Boxer.

* Environmentalists are once again taking on Richard Pombo.