Meg Whitman Wants More Legislative Bureacracy

I’m not sure what else to think of this. Apparently, she’s soooo over the traditional committee structure, and wants to get staff for the her “teams.”

GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman, criticizing the Legislature  as a “bill factory,” said today that she would create legislative teams to focus on her top priorities as governor and veto most other legislation.

Whitman has said she will focus almost exclusively on three areas as governor: creating jobs, cutting government spending and improving the state’s K-12 education system.

“Let’s come together in teams,” Whitman told an audience at the California Taxpayers’ Association’s annual meeting in Sacramento. “Who wants to be on the jobs team? Who wants to be on the government efficiency team?”

The former eBay CEO later told reporters that lawmakers could “self-select” to be on the teams, and that those who didn’t want to participate wouldn’t have to. (SacBee)

So, you’d have these teams, which are really just a Whitman campaign structure. Why exactly would Democrats want to get on board with this? Apparently, Governor isn’t enough for Meg Whitman. She’s looking to become CEO with full authority over the state.

Too bad we have that pesky constitution in her way!