Carly Failorina Strikes Again, This Time on Passover

As someone raised in an Irish Catholic household, I don’t know the first thing about a Passover seder. As a generally intelligent human being, I also know to not act as if I have knowledge about something I actually know nothing about – like a Passover seder.

Unfortunately Carly Failorina doesn’t share that sensible outlook on the world. In an email this morning she showed a stunning lack of knowledge of Passover and its key rituals:

Passover is a time of remembrance and thanks. This festival provides us all — Jewish, Christian and all faiths — an opportunity to reflect on the challenges we have faced and the triumphs we have achieved together. It is also a reminder of the resilient spirit that has carried people through trials of every kind through every generation.

“This week, as we break bread and spend time with our families and friends, I hope we also take a moment to say a word of thanks for our freedom and for those who have given their lives in freedom’s name. Let us also look ahead with hope to the opportunities to come.

Someone who actually does understand what happens at a Passover seder, SF Chronicle reporter Carla Marinucci, explains why this is a huge FAIL for Failorina:

OK, so Fiorina needs a little help in the campaign research department: Bread is a definite no-no on Passover, the Jewish holiday also known as the “Festival of the Unleavened Bread” the annual remembrance of the escape of the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery. On the run, they didn’t have time for bread to rise, so at this time of year, to commemorate that plight: it’s matza, please — matza.

Oops. This particular FAIL has gotten a lot of attention on the blogs and Twitter this morning, with former Orange County resident Atrios offering one of the best replies:

carly fiorina will celebrate rosh hashana with traditional bacon and cheese sammich

At some point you have to wonder what if anything aside from pure greed and a massive ego is driving Carly Fiorina’s campaign for US Senate. She is not only clearly unqualified for the position, not only brings a long record of massive failure encapsulated by having run Hewlett-Packard into the ground, but doesn’t even have a basic grasp of how to reach out to your electorate without offending them on one of their most important holy days.

4 thoughts on “Carly Failorina Strikes Again, This Time on Passover”

  1. … as much as the next person, but this is silly.  Unleavened bread is still bread.  Googling Passover + “break bread” finds a number of examples of the usage after one wades through the recent Fiorina stuff.  Indeed, if I were being picky, I’d point out that one has to tear rather than break yeasted bread.  Matzo, being brittle, breaks nicely.  

  2. While it’s no longer customary to have the Passover sacrifice (a sheep, eaten by you and your neighbors), the Devil Sheep still bears a grudge.

    Carly should stop listening to the Devil Sheep, which is leading her further and further astray.

  3. You think she would have learned from the bankruptcy comment, but apparently not.

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