April 2 Open Thread


*  Remember how many progressives were worried about the Bay Area Council’s redistricting reform measures, saying that it would limit progressives? Well, perhaps that was for good reason. Check out their June 2010 proposition endorsements. They’ve endorsed the PG&E measure (Prop 16) and the St. Maldo Open Primary (Prop 14), while opposing the fair (clean) elections measure written by Loni Hancock and signed by Gov. Schwarzenegger.  Let’s go ahead and scratch them from the progressive holiday card list.

*  A really depressing, but very important, story on food waste from CalWatch. A lot of edible food is being thrown away at grocery stores and restaurants that could be used to feed the hungry.

*  It appears that the National Organization against Marriage equality (NOM) ads against Tom Campbell are having an effect on the polling numbers. From a progressive standpoint, that’s probably not the end of the world, as he looks like the strongest candidate. From an LGBT perspective, that’s depressing.

*  The City of San Carlos looks at outsourcing their police and fire protection.

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