April 20 Open Thread


*  Hey, it’s April 20! I’ll just leave it there, and note the TaxCannabis campaign to raise $42,000 for the November initiative to legalize marijuana.

*  Orange County passed some “groundbreaking” pension reform measures for county employees. In theory, it would have reduced the pension, but allowed employees to participate in a 401k-type program. One problem: the IRS says the employees would have to pay taxes on the 401K part.  And that pretty much makes the choice for employees to stay in the pension program a ridiculously easy one.

*  Some members of the Citizens Compensation Comission haven’t filed their fianancial disclosure information. Oh, the irony!

*  Tom Campbell is facing some harsh criticism from the right, including some recent TV ads, such as the one here.

*  Josh Richman fact checks a Carly Fiorina press call. Suffice it to say that there was much checking to do.

*  Who is the Adam Smith Foundation? Well, that’s a good question. And why this Missouri group is giving $498,000 to repeal AB 32 is another.

3 thoughts on “April 20 Open Thread”

  1. This bill would add $18 on to each vehicle license fee; in exchange, every car with California license plates gets free admission to every park.  It’s a good idea.  It’s far better than Schwarzenegger’s blackmail idea to fund state parks solely from Tranquillon Ridge offshore oil drilling funds.

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