56% of Californians Support Legalizing Cannabis

SurveyUSA is out with a new poll on marijuana legalization, and find that 56% of adults support it, with 42% opposed and 3% undecided. Some of the interesting crosstabs include:

Age 18-34: 74% yes, 25% no

35-49: 46% yes, 50% no

50-64: 49% yes, 49% no

65+: 39% yes, 54% no

Men: 65% yes, 32% no

Women: 46% yes, 51% no

Republicans: 46% yes, 53% no

Democrats: 59% yes, 37% no

Independents: 62% yes, 36% no

Of the four racial categories given, (white, black, Hispanic, Asian) only Hispanics oppose it, 45% to 53%.

The poll results aren’t all that surprising. Last year Nate Silver also noticed that Generation X, currently between their early 30s and their late 40s, is less supportive of marijuana legalization and much less likely to have used it themselves. But the Boomer generation is evenly split, and Millennials are overwhelmingly supportive of legalization.

For supporters, this gives a rough road map to victory in November. Turning out Millennial voters is absolutely essential. Boomers seem gettable too. A concerted push targeting female and Latino voters also strikes me as wise. Particularly necessary is making the case that this actually helps parents protect their children, not harm them. Initative supporters should start planning a pre-emptive strike before opponents pull a Prop 8 and make this a “what about the children?” campaign.

The poll appears to be of all adults, and not of likely voters, so this should not be taken as a sure sign of victory in November. There’s a lot of work to be done between now and then to ensure this initiative passes.

2 thoughts on “56% of Californians Support Legalizing Cannabis”

  1. Instead of spending billions arresting, prosecuting, and  paying for prison guard for people who use marijuana, put that money into our schools.

  2. I am an adult..an elderly adult..

    I am voting to legalize it..It’s been silly to ban it for so long..

    I don’t smoke it because smoke bothers me but I cannot see what is so wrong with it..

    I knew a person who smoked it since she was a teenager..she finished college at the top..and for a time was a professor at UCLA and now helps run a newspaper..

    Get real!!

    They’ve lied about it all these years and it’s not as dangerous as cigarettes and alcohol..

    I think that it’s never been legalized before because no big cats can put their stamp on it..everyone can grow it..right?

    Besides the biggest crime problems we are having now from Mexican gangs are because marijuana is illegal..isn’t it time to just stop them? Let the growers in Northern California help the state of California out of this financial mess we are in..

    I say let it be legalized!!!

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