April 21 Open Thread


*  CalBuzz is outraged they weren’t included in the Republican debate panel. For those who are interested, it will be aired live on the CalChannel and the Comcast hometown network, and then replayed many times.  Timing hasn’t yet been nailed down.

*  Tom Campbell is attacking Barbara Boxer because she asked to be treated the same as male senators. Meanwhile, Campbell should be looking out for the demon sheep and Carly Fiorina, who is now trying to spin her record at HP. Good luck with that.

*  The Chronicle profiles former Facebook chief privacy officer and AG candidate Chris Kelly and looks at the question of whether his background at Facebook will help or hurt him.

*  Rumors are floating around that Poizner is gaining rapidly in the GOP primary. Steve Harmon asks what happens if the lead is now surmountable, will the press change the way they are looking at the race?

One thought on “April 21 Open Thread”

  1. I’m confused about when Chris Kelly left Facebook.  TechCrunch referred to him as the “former chief privacy officer” in August 2009, but the Chronicle article says he resigned last month.  And the video shown at the convention, and sent out by e-mail this week, refers to him as “Chief Privacy Officer & Head of Global Public Policy, September 2005 — present.”




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