April 22 Open Thread


*  Capitol Weekly releases #1-50 in their top 100 power players in Sacramento. I’m not sure that’s a list that everybody craves to ma

*  Jerry Brown says he’ll post ten years worth of tax returns on his website. The clock is ticking on Poizner and Whitman.

*  Governor Schwarzenegger says that he won’t do a “crazy” fire sale, saying that he won’t sell if it doesn’t make sense financially.  We’ll see how much he limits the sales.

*  The commission that reviews legislative salaries will take a look at another pay cut.

2 thoughts on “April 22 Open Thread”

  1. I think that it is far more interesting (and important) that Whitman and Poizner release 10 years of their tax returns than Brown.  If a candidate is going to donate their own money to win an election I want to know how they came by that money.

    Brown, who I presume is not going to self-fund his race, has made some money but I don’t really care.  It is really his business.  Poizner and Whitman self-fund and I do care.

  2. Susan Kennedy comes in first for a reason – her amazing success in the denigration and demonization of public employees.  She’s been oh so helpful in cutting pay, violating collective bargaining agreements and dismantling vital services.  Between Susan, Der Gropenfeuhrer and odious free-marketeer David Crane the shock doctrining of California continues apace.

    The utter failure to respond by the Democratic party – with the exception of Noreen Evans – is demoralizing.

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