May 11 Open Thread


* Some grassroots activists are starting a new website The video to the right is the first project.COMMUNITY SPEAKS from No on Prop16 Films on Vimeo.

* Arnold: Everything is on the table. Just not additional revenue. Even according to his staff, the cuts will be “absolutely terrible.”

* Boeing workers in Long Beach are going on strike.

* Immigration in the GOP primary has become quite the little issue.  Steve Poizner is making speeches from the border, and Meg Whitman is getting Pete “Prop 187” Wilson to cut some ads for her.  And they keep drifting to the right…

* A candidate in the CA-11 GOP Primary, Brad Goehring, (not Hermann) decided that it would be a good idea to post on his facebook page that it should be “open season on liberals” and that he “needed to thin the herd.”  He says it was a joke. I say it is outrageously offensive.

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