It’s Election Day Tomorrow. Tell your friends to vote!
* In the Senate race, Fiorina and DeVore defended Israel’s recent flotilla incident.
* Skelton says today’s GOP would snub St. Ronny.
* While California’s population has grown, the population of whites has shrunk by half a million. Of course, these lines themselves are going to become less meaningful over the next 50 years,
* Poizner and Whitman get personal. For Poizner, part of that was going anti-gay today. Nice touch, jerk.
if you see any clinics that are not in compliance with the new prohibitive rules about medical cannabis dispensaries, then they have a snitch hotline email address:
[email protected]
I say people instead tell LA what they REALLY think about forcing dispensaries to close, jobs to be losts, hundreds of thousands of dollars diverted from taxpayer coffers, and instead diverted to the black market.