EMeg Spends $80 Per Vote in Primary. What Would You Buy for $80?

The OC Register reports today that Meg Whitman spent $90 million in her primary win over Steve Poizner. That works out to $80 per vote.

I think it would have been better if she had just given every voter $80 to buy something on eBay instead of padding the pockets of TV stations and consultants. Just think what that would do for the economy, putting $80 in the pockets of hardworking Americans. I wonder what $80 can buy you on eBay?

Well if your ’77 Ford Fiesta needs a new clutch, you can get a new one.

It’s almost Father’s day, you can get dad that 1958 Ted Williams baseball card he’s always wanted.

And if you need a hot cocktail dress for that eMeg fundraiser…eBay’s got one. But then you’re not crazy enough to donate money to a multi-billionaire are you?