June 19 Open Thread


* Hey, I (Brian) am helping to organize the big Pride Breakfast for my local LGBT Democratic club here in San Francisco, the Alice B Toklas LGBT Democratic Club.  If you are in SF, I hope you will consider attending, you can buy tickets here.  I’m told some of our Democratic legislative leaders as well as most of the Democratic statewide ticket will be there.  And, it is right next to the beginning of the Pride parade at Yank Sing, so you can just leave the breakfast and you’ll be ready to go.  Email me if you have any questions.

*  Will there be more furlough Fridays?

* Ooh…CSU Stanislaus is going to let media to the Sarah Palin fundraiser.  Perhaps Calitics will send a delegation.

* Are you a CalPERS member? Well, if so…congratulations! You now own part of London Gatwick airport. As Robert suggests over at the California High Speed Rail Blog CalPERS should consider doing the same with the high speed rail project.

* The Legislature is moving to remove a provision in the water bond that would have allowed private entities to own and manage water facilities.