Field Poll: Newsom Leads Maldonado, Cooley Narrowly Leads Harris

More goodies from the Field Poll, this time on the LG and AG races:

Lt Gov:

Newsom 43

Maldonado 34

Undecided 23

Attorney General:

Cooley 37

Harris 34

Undecided 29

Newsom’s position is strong even though more voters view him unfavorably (41-26). Maldonado is less well-known – 67% have an opinion of Newsom, but only 37% have an opinion on Maldonado.

Overall Newsom has some important early leads. He wins DTS voters 45-21, and has a commanding lead in NorCal, 53-31. In SoCal he polls about even with Maldonado, 37-36. Maldonado is going to need to spend a lot of money to raise his name ID if he’s going to have a chance at winning.

In the AG race, things are much closer, but Kamala Harris has a strong upside. Harris currently only polls 58% of Democrats, with 28% undecided – this may be residual from the primary, and Harris should be able to get stronger numbers from Democrats as the campaign goes on. Republicans have united behind Cooley, unsurprisingly.

Harris has a lead among DTS voters, 30-24, though 46% are undecided. They each have about a 10-point lead over the other in their respective regional bases, with Harris leading in NorCal and Cooley leading in SoCal.

Both Harris and Cooley have low name ID – about 70% of voters don’t have an opinion on either candidate – suggesting that whomever is first to define the other will gain an advantage.

Overall this suggests that Newsom is well on his way to becoming Lieutenant Governor, and that the AG race will be a closely fought battle. We’ll need to make sure Kamala Harris wins this – the last thing California needs is a right-wing AG.

One thought on “Field Poll: Newsom Leads Maldonado, Cooley Narrowly Leads Harris”

  1. I wonder if Republicans are supporting Newsom because they want to punish Maldonado for his support of higher taxes.

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