Fiorina Breaks Mitch McConnell’s Heart and Other Sordid Affairs

Carly Fiorina. She was against unemployment benefits before she was for them.  Not to buy-in to the right wing ridiculousness surrounding John Kerry, but Carly Fiorina, it seems, has had a change of heart.  During the primary, she couldn’t find enough ways to say that she was a conservative that would stand up for all the crazy that is the California GOP electorate.  Even going so far as to say that she supported Sen. McConnell’s position of prioritizing political gamesmanship over ensuring that millions of Americans had the ability to pay rent and eat next week.

or several weeks, Fiorina had said she supported extending the jobless benefits, but not without spending cuts to balance the bill’s $33.9-billion cost. Speaking Tuesday morning on KGO-AM (810), Fiorina shifted her position, supporting the extension even though Congress has not specified spending cuts to offset it.

“I probably would vote for this extension, but I’ll tell you what, I think it is absolutely appropriate for people to stand on their desks and say, ‘When is it that we’re finally going to do what needs to be done and cut government spending?’ ” Fiorina said.  (LA Times)

But, you know, Carly reads polls. And she knows this issue is not a winner here in California. So, she’ll hop scoot and jump towards the middle.  But the fact is, that once she lodges herself in the Senate, you can bet your last dollar that when push comes to shove, she’ll be right there with McConnell and James Inhofe.

One thought on “Fiorina Breaks Mitch McConnell’s Heart and Other Sordid Affairs”

  1. Correction: McConnell’s office has retracted that claim, saying the senator misspoke.

    But don’t worry! Carly Fiorina will fit right in at the Senate. She’s a power-mad pathological liar, with a thin grasp of reality.

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