It Makes Sense That Carly is a Two Yacht Family

Sometimes I have to go looking for something to write for a blog post. At other times, something just comes and smacks you in the face. And such is the case with a recent quote in the Matier and Ross column regarding Carly Fiorina’s two yachts:

Fiorina spokeswoman Julie Soderlund said it makes sense for the Fiorinas to be a two-yacht family, given that the boat-loving couple have divided their time between California and D.C., near where their grandchildren live.(SF Chronicle)

Oh, and Soderlund continued by pointing out that Boxer is also wealthy (true), kind of a nanny-nanny-boo-boo sort of thing.  The reason the Boxer campaign is pointing out that Fiorina is wealthy isn’t for some sort of anti-rich class warfare, but rather to contrast her policies with her standing. In other words, the policies that she wants to pursue will increase the divide between rich and poor.

To point some of the obvious concerns, she wants to decrease tax rates for the wealthiest Americans (of which she counts herself as), and take a whack at social security in the name of “deficit reduction.”  See, that’s all the rage on the Right. As Americans struggle to find employment, Fiorina is fighting to put us back into a recession. Meanwhile, a strong majority of Americans favor increasing taxes on millionaires and charging the social security tax to the rich. So, yes, the fact that these policies will strongly benefit her are worth noting.

But, if she happens to lose this round, she can always comfort herself with a nice hot chocolate on board one of her two yachts.

5 thoughts on “It Makes Sense That Carly is a Two Yacht Family”

  1. How comforting it is to know that our wanna-be Senator has her own 2-ocean flotilla. She is clearly equipped to help keep illegal aliens away from two of our coastlines.  

  2. When Democrats hold power in Washington, deficits are a bad, bad thing.  When it was Dubya and Denny running up the bill, though, Darth Cheney came out of his bunker to tell us that “deficits don’t matter.”  Double standard?

  3. FILTHY rich. It’s just like the difference between healthy profits and obscene profits.

    It’s time to put these expressions back into circulation… and ask people to think about those distinctions.

  4. A) How Many houses do she and her partner have?

    B) How many mortgages do she and her partner have?

    C) List the residences by state and country (include shared and partial interests)?

    D) What percentage of her personal portfolio is invested in California, what % in the other 49 states, and what % in the rest of the world.  

    For example: If she owns Ford stock it is now 0% California since they closed their plant, maybe 40% US? and maybe 60% rest of the world?

    E) The year before she began her campaign did she (or her partner) own, directly or indirectly, any BP/Goldman Sachs stock or other of BP/Goldman Sachs security instruments?

    Which would she chose as Senator (and she can only chose one answer each time):


    1)Trillion dollar tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires


    2) A Good paying Job with health care and retirement benefits for Every American


    1) Trillion dollar tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires


    2) A high quality free college or trades school education for every America, and free health care for all Americans


    1) Trillion dollar tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires


    2) Double Social Security Benefits for every America, and free health care for all Americans

    Take it from Nancy – Just say NO to Carly

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