August 6 Open Thread


* From the hilarious department: Whitman has continued her attacks on Steve Poizner, despite the primary ending two months ago.  This is really amateurish stuff.

* The first debate between Carly Fiorina and Barbara Boxer will be Sep. 1 in the East Bay.

* Jerry Brown wants to cut the perks from elected officials offices on Univision.

* Arnold Schwarzenegger says that the difference between the parties in the budget process is about $4 Billion. No details on where that $4 Billion is.

2 thoughts on “August 6 Open Thread”

  1. What a boneheaded move of Mrs. Harsh, attacking Poizner and pissing off his Tea Party supporters. I grow more optimistic about this election on a daily basis. Maybe all those years of not voting left Queen Meg unclear on the concept of how the process works.

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