Carly Fiorina has lots of issues with President Obama. She’s a Mama Grizzly after all, and they are protecting their … ummm … “nation” from the dangers of health care for all. You know, the really dangerous stuff.
Dangerous stuff like the possibility of a mosque several blocks down the road from Ground Zero, the site of the World Trade Center. Now, I understand the importance of honoring the tragedy of the events of 9/11, but are we to blame a whole religion for the actions of a few crazy zealots? The twisted and violent death cult that the 9/11 bombers are engaged in is not the religion that is practiced by the millions of American Muslims that are actively engaged in our civic life. Sam Seder goes ahead and makes a complete mockery of the whole “controversy” in the video to the right.
Real credit should be given to President Obama for his statement on the matter:
As a citizen, and as President, I believe that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country. And that includes the right to build a place of worship and a community center on private property in Lower Manhattan, in accordance with local laws and ordinances.
Now, it appears, Carly thinks that the President of the United States shouldn’t get involved in issues of the (ahem) United States.
Two days after President Obama waded into the controversy over plans to build a mosque near ground zero in New York City, Republican Senate candidate Carly Fiorina said it was an “intensely personal and local issue,” adding that she didn’t think “it’s helpful when the president of the United States weighs in.” (LA Times)
Of course, the Mayor of New York City applauded the President’s comments, but you know, those aren’t the locals that Fiorina likes. The ones that agree with the Big Mama Grizzly herself. Apparently it is ok when Big Grizz Palin chimes in to bring the issue to the nation’s attention by attacking it:
“Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand. Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in the interest of healing,” the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate tweeted on Sunday. (ABC)
Note that Palin’s comments were made back in July, and she’s been keeping it up, especially since the President made his comments last week. So, in summary, the comments of a half-term Alaska governor, completely appropriate. The President of the United States speaking out with the support of the Mayor of New York? “unhelpful.”
But, truth be told, this is the former CEO who made the current sexually harassing, employee morale devestating CEO of HP Mark Hurd look like a darn right treat. But, you know, it’s not easy to climb to the hop of the heap of worst CEOs. So, what can you expect really. Certainly somebody with this kind of track record is somebody who should be speaking out on what is “helpful” in other jurisdictions.