Do I Get a Cash Donative as a Part of GenM? From Meg or Texaco, whatever works.

What the wonderful world of interwebz brings us these days.  You can pretty much find anything, join anything, whatever.  But today, you can now become a proud member of GenM!

What’s that you say? Why, it’s a “coalition of entrepreneurs, executives, & professionals dedicated to getting Meg elected as next Gov of CA.” Apparently, they are not down with the blue-collar folks, as they are absolutely and completely not allowed into the generation.

And by generation? I mean a twitter account with witticisms such as:

via the the Competitive Enterprise Institute.The worst attorney general in America is California’s Jerry Brown #GOMEG

Of course, what exactly is the “CEI”? Well, they are a front group for Big Oil and Big Tobacco.  According to SourceWatch, some of their big donors include Texaco, Phillip Morris, and guess who…our good old friends the Koch family. You know, the ones that are secrectly funding the Prop 23 campaign in order to save themselves some cash as they continue to pollute our air.

Yup, such pithy sayings are GenM is THE generation to join. I mean, who doesn’t want to snuggle up close to the never-ending cash buckets that seem to trail around both Big Oil and Meg Whitman, and especially the convergence thereof.  

All the Best executives of California are joining, don’t you know?  Um, well, at least the 124 followers anyway.  Quite the generation there.

One thought on “Do I Get a Cash Donative as a Part of GenM? From Meg or Texaco, whatever works.”

  1. 112 of those 124 twitter followers are getting hefty paychecks from the Whitman campaign or from Big Oil. When is Big Solar going to start writing us checks?

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