Psssttt, Carly Supports Prop 23, Opposes AB 32

At the debate last night, moderator and KTVU political editor Randy Shandobil got frustrated with Fiorina’s evasive answers on Prop 23.  Apparently the other reporters at the post-debate press conference were getting pretty frustrated with the situation as well.

Well folks, I’m going to let you in on a little secret.  Carly Fiorina supports Prop 23 and the death of AB 32.  She said as much in the debate. When she evaded the answer, she said specifically that it would “make sense to suspend it” or something to that effect.  Ladies and germs, that is what Prop 23 is arguing that they want to do.  Not sure how much more clear it can be made. She can hem and haw all she wants, but she can’t jujitsu this one.  She opposes Prop 23, but doesn’t want to say as much because that will turn off environmentally minded voters and signal that she isn’t some sort of moderate that she is trying to play.

Nope, Carly Fiorina is just another short-sighted CEO who couldn’t even manage the short-sighted goals of increasing stock value at HP.  She likes to posture, even going so far as hiding her impressive educational resume to build up her “rags to riches” street cred.  But, California voters can see through these charades.

3 thoughts on “Psssttt, Carly Supports Prop 23, Opposes AB 32”

  1. and, from another tweet source, “Also favors 20 & 26, opposes 19, 21, 22, 24, 25 & 27.”  Party of (mostly) no!

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