Carly Fiorina’s Tea Party Rally in Marin County

PhotobucketCarly Fiorina is the guest of honor at a tea party rally today in Marin. While she has apparently closed the event to the press, it is open to the public!  And it is free!  So, come one, come all, and learn about Carly’s plans for mocking climate change, and her support for overturning Roe v Wade.  And you know, bring your cell phones, flip cameras, audio recording devices.  Now, I’m not telling you to break any rules, but you know, it is a public event and everything.

Of course, Carly is trying to play both sides of the tea party coin, by officially closing the event to press:

Just when we were wondering what  — if any role — the Tea Party would play in statewide California races this fall we hear that US Senate candidate Carly Fiorina will be meeting with Tea Party grassrootsers and GOPers at noon Friday in Mill Valley at the Mill Valley Community Center.

Billed in the invite as “your opportunity to hear Carly speak and get your questions answered!” it’s sponsored by the Bay Area Patriots and San Francisco Tea Party, the Marin GOP and Novato Republican Women, Federated.

We’d love to tell you about it, but it is billed as “open to the public — closed to the press.” What’s up with that? Not very transparent, which is what the TP wants of government, no?(SF Gate)

Ooh, and you can buy a delicious turkey sandwich for $10! If you are near Mill Valley, definitely stop by.

8 thoughts on “Carly Fiorina’s Tea Party Rally in Marin County”

  1. WSJ ( (emphasis added):

    Hewlett-Packard Co. disclosed Thursday that a probe by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission of possible bribes the company paid in Russia is now wider than previously reported.

    The disclosure, in an SEC filing, pertains to a long-running German investigation of allegations that H-P, through a German subsidiary, paid bribes in Russia to secure a contract valued at €35 million, or about $44.5 million, with the office of the prosecutor general of the Russian Federation.

    The contract spanned 2001 to 2006 and was for the delivery and installation of an information technology network.


    Thursday’s filing says U.S. authorities recently requested information about “certain governmental and quasi-governmental transactions in Russia and in the Commonwealth of Independent States subregion dating back to 2000.” The wording of the filing suggests a broader probe than previously revealed.


    The U.S. investigation concerns possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a law that bans bribes to foreign officials. H-P said previously that the probe involved people who have mostly left the company.


    The disclosure itself is a sign the investigation has entered a new phase.

    Listed companies are only required to report investigations in SEC filings if they are material for investors. H-P had refrained from reporting the bribery probes until Thursday.

    Let’s see who was in charge at H-P from 2000-2005 (

    Carly Fiorina… served as chief executive officer of Hewlett-Packard from 1999 to 2005…

    Mindful that no charges against Carly have been announced – much less a conviction – I wonder what reaction the Teabaggers would have to the news that during Carly’s tenure at H-P, allegations of international bribery have been leveled at H-P at the highest level.

  2. I watched the debate and I have to say I expected better performance out of someone who’s served a total of 28 years in Congress.  Barb’s tired and she’s flaky and she needs to retire.  The world does not revolve around public sector jobs…not even in California!  All I heard from Boxer was “policemen and firemen and teachers, oh my!” and that just won’t work anymore.  There was a vapidness and shallowness about her.  She didn’t bring her A game and I suspect she essentially believes she’s entitled to the job.

    I’m interested to see what happens when we have a Republican Congress and California finally defaults on its bonds.  Will Congress bail them out or dig in its heels?

  3. When this tea party thing started I was intrigued and hopeful that there was a grass roots movement dedicated to exposing the fact that we are highly taxed all the time without representation that isn’t bought and paid for by corporate and union lobbyists. I was expecting a libertarian vibe but what it’s become instead is just another arm of promoting unfettered corporate liberty above individual freedom.

    Carly’s running of HP was characterized by short sighted tricks that had much more to do with bumping quarterly income statements than the overall good of the company and the companies employees.

    She encourage “channel-stuffing” (selling in bulk at deep discount to promote today’s purchases at the expense of future needs to purchase).

    She fired and outsourced like crazy permanently demoralized employee moral and ruining their reputation for great customer service.

    She merged with Compaq because mergers are what give CEO’s a name for themselves and temporarily boost stock. Most employees of both companies knew the merger would be a flop.

    And what did she get for this? The golden parachuete of course. She got paid millions for the privilege of harming a once-proud company. And now she’s getting into politics.

    Politics seems to be the next “right of passage” for induction into the ranks of elite government-business place traders.

    Forget the tea party. What we need is US2 like Thor Duffin described in The Jefferson Project.

    We need a constitutional update that makes these collusive relationships difficult.  

  4.  I am not happy at all Fiorina is coming here. Is she trying to annoy Boxer by going into Boxer’s former home county? Marin does have some active Republicans but today in the San Rafael Community Center (which is about 8 miles north of Mill Valley,) there was a big fundraiser for Newsom. Jared Huffman and Mark Leno were also there. It was sold out so this does prove Democrats are not just sitting out this election.  

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