Did Carly Fiorina OK bribes?

The California media is encouraged to connect the dots. The media should be asking Carly Fiorina if she knows anything about this alleged bribe, and if she did not know, why did she not know.  Here are the two dots:


In July 1999, Hewlett-Packard Company named Fiorina chief executive officer

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C… .


Wall Street Journal September 10 2010

H-P Bribe Probe Widens

U.S. Investigators Are Looking at Multiple Transactions, Some Outside Russia


Hewlett-Packard Co. disclosed Thursday that a probe by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission of possible bribes the company paid in Russia is now wider than previously reported.

The disclosure, in an SEC filing, pertains to a long-running German investigation of allegations that H-P, through a German subsidiary, paid bribes in Russia to secure a contract valued at €35 million, or about $44.5 million, with the office of the prosecutor general of the Russian Federation.

The contract spanned 2001 to 2006 and was for the delivery and installation of an information technology network.

U.S. authorities have joined in that probe, as The Wall Street Journal first reported in August.

Thursday’s filing says U.S. authorities recently requested information about “certain governmental and quasi-governmental transactions in Russia and in the Commonwealth of Independent States subregion dating back to 2000.” The wording of the filing suggests a broader probe than previously revealed.

Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/…