September 15 Open Thread


* Meg Whitman dumped another $15 million into her campaign, breaking the all-time record in self-funding for a campaign, previously set by Michael Bloomberg in his 2009 reelection. She plans to spend $150 million.

* Meg also got an earful at Yelp while talking to their employees.

* And oh yeah, she is telling the cops what they want to hear. Apparently, cops and firefighters aren’t subject to her pension plans…just because. Teachers? Yup.

* Jerry Brown is investigating a legal consultant for taking big payouts from public coffers.

One thought on “September 15 Open Thread”

  1. So, any thoughts on the SurveyUSA polls of these two districts that show Jim Costa (D) barely ahead of his Republican challenger by 2 points, and Jeff Denham (R) crushing Loraine Goodwin (D) by over 30 points?

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