What Ludicrous Stumbling Blocks Remain

Several stumbling blocks remain for the budget. The Governor blames Democrats for not agreeing to his radical pension plans. The Democrats blame Republicans for demanding $500 million in tax cuts.   In the end, passing either with so little debate would be absurd.

Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said Tuesday that “the main sticking point is pension reform… Democrats are unwilling to stand up to the union bosses.”

Alicia Trost, a spokeswoman for state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg said McLear’s assessment was “not correct. There are a number of issues that remain unresolved.”

Democrats close to the discussions said one of those issues is a series of new tax breaks being pushed by Republican lawmakers.

Leaders have apparently come to an agreement on some kind of budget reform, but no details were available. The issue of changing the state’s tax system, another Schwarzenegger demand, is apparently unresolved and may not be a part of this budget.

“We offered up an intelligent tax-reform proposal, and it doesn’t appear they are interested in it,” Trost said. (CapWkly)

Why are we even discussing another tax cut? Oh right…2/3 rules.  How desperately do we need Prop 25 to pass? (Oh, and for Jerry Brown to win…)