CA-AG: Debate at Noon Between Harris and Cooley

UC-Davis will be hosting a debate between Attorney General candidates Steve Cooley and Kamala Harris.  As you may know, I’m on the Harris campaign, but I think the debate will be interesting even without that fact.  A recent poll showed Harris with a lead within the margin, and that’s pretty much where the race has been throughout.

But for those of you that haven’t been following the race all that closely, let me give you a progressive perspective on the race in a tweet worthy form:

Noon: CA-AG Debate GOP Cooley will defend prop 8, no position on 23, & wants to sue over health care. Vote @kamalaharris

Of course, there is a lot about SF DA Kamala Harris that I couldn’t get in there. Like her work to keep elementary school kids in school, and her work to reduce the recidivism rate by working with the business and labor communities to get young non-violent first time offenders the education and opportunities they need to get a good job.

But, watch the debate, as it will be live streamed and find out more about the candidates.

6 thoughts on “CA-AG: Debate at Noon Between Harris and Cooley”

  1. In the General Election Voters guide, Kamala Harris’s name and bio were left out of the bio section. Are you going to raise holy hell? It’s kind of outrageous.

  2. A vote for Cooley is a vote to take California back to 1995.  According to Americans for Safe Access (ASA) the Attorney General has a huge impact on whether or not California’s medical marijuana dispensaries can operate.

    Cooley has pledged to shut dispensaries down and is out-of-touch with the majority of California voters.

    In this election, if you believe in the rights of citizens to medicate with cannabis you MUST vote for the Democratic candidate.

  3. Cooley is a reefer madness warrior in the mold of a Joseph McCarthy, who would spend a majority of his time as AG targeting medical marijuana dispensaries, REGARDLESS of state law. The following is an excerpt from the LA Times:

    “L.A. County Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley warned Tuesday that he intends to prosecute dispensaries that sell the drug EVEN if the city’s leaders decide to allow those transactions.”

    Do we really want a fringe candidate of this caliber in charge of our state’s law enforcement?

    History has shown that ideologues of any party, once elected, will force their narrow-minded world views on the rest of us, time and time again.

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