Sen. Jenny Oropeza Passes Away

Sen. Jenny Oropeza, who was elected in 2006, has passed away after struggling with illness over the past few months. She was just 53.

She is still listed on the ballot for re-election in the 28th Senate district. But as of right now, I do not know how the party can go about changing the nominee. If anybody has any idea on that, please let me know.

Condolences go out to her friends and family.

6 thoughts on “Sen. Jenny Oropeza Passes Away”

  1.    when I saw her at a debate when she was running for Congress (in the special election after Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald passed away.)

      You never know how much time you have here so appreciate every day. I hope she sent in an absentee ballot before now. I believe that if she wins the election there will be a special election soon. The only similar situation I can recall was when the L.A. Sheriff died a week before the election. I voted for the dead guy but he lost to our current Sheriff so there was no need for a special election.

      She will be missed by many Californians.

  2. First, RIP Sen Oropeza. I appreciate all the hard work for the district.

    Now… I have kind of a moral dilemma. I got my absentee ballots and was going to send it this weekend but then I found out Sen Oropeza passed away. Do I still vote for her or do I leave my ballot blank? I’m not a big fan of voting for a dead person.

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