Mike Murphy’s Comical Spin

Yesterday’s Field Poll showed a 10-point lead for Jerry Brown over Meg Whitman. This comes in the wake of several other polls showing double-digit leads for Brown. Nate Silver at 538 gives Whitman a 6% chance of winning. So how does Mike Murphy, Whitman’s campaign strategist (who makes $90,000 a month) spin the bad news?

Rasmussen moves CAgov to toss-up with new poll. Our track even. Surge for Meg!

Mike Murphy clearly learned his PR skills at the school of “Comical Ali,” Saddam Hussein’s communications flack who gained notoriety for telling the media “all is well” during the 2003 invasion. Despite an avalanche of polling data that shows Meg Whitman is about to get her ass kicked, Murphy cites a poll that is known to have a pro-Republican bias and a vague “internal poll” to try and create a narrative of a late surge. Murphy is only doing this to try and forestall a total collapse of Whitman’s vote, as the right-wing base might just decide to say “fuck it” and stay home on Tuesday.

Of course, we can’t dance on Whitman’s political grave just yet. We need to make sure that we crank the GOTV as much as we can over this coming weekend to ensure that California’s future isn’t dominated by a wealthy right-wing billionaire.

2 thoughts on “Mike Murphy’s Comical Spin”

  1. 25 (vote yes), 26 (vote no), 24 (vote yes), 20 (vote no), 27 (vote yes), 23 (vote no, but it’s only going to get a third of the vote).

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