Recap of the big day

Dear Friend,

We had a great week. If you missed the news, Leland opened an exploratory committee to run for Mayor of San Francisco. The turnout at city hall was amazing.

Check out this short video we put together of Leland from Wednesday.(And the throng of reporters huddled around him)

There are also some great photos here, not to mention the press coverage in the Chronicle, LA Times, Sacramento Bee and on ABC 7 News.

Many of you have asked what you can do to help. Here are a few options:

1) Donate right now. Every dollar counts and we have a short window before the end of the year fundraising deadline to show financial strength.

2) Send out an email to your friends asking them to make a small contribution of $5, $10, or $20.

3) Invite your friends to join our Facebook page or sign up for our email list. We promise to have a real conversation, ask questions, not over email or post and we won’t give their names to anyone else.

Last but certainly not least, we are looking for folks in San Francisco to host house parties – if you want to host one, please let us know. You can call the office at 415-522-7304 or sign up here.

Thanks again for all your support.


Jim Stearns

Campaign Manager

Leland Yee for Mayor

One thought on “Recap of the big day”

  1. people here will respond a lot better to yee posting what he wants to do with the mayorship, or commenting intelligently and with some detail about a given issue that relates to the SF city government, than they will to press releases. just FYI.

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