My apologies for the lack of content today. But let’s get to what happened today:
* Remember how we have been complaining about the over-representation of Republicans on the redistricting commission? Well, it continues. Despite their 10+point registration disadvantage, in their first meeting, the panel elected Republican Claremont City Councilman Peter Yao as the chair of the committee.
* Let the legacy defining begin. Steve Wiegand of the Bee looks at Arnold’s record. Meanwhile, Arnold himself is still on the job, looking at the task of making “ugly cuts.”
* Team Whitman is skipping out on the traditional unpacking of the governor’s race.
* After claiming victory yesterday, Matier and Ross say Kamala Harris is now “at the center of Democratic stars” along with Gavin Newsom.
Friends who were interested in applying for the commission told me that any prior political involvement disqualified you for consideration. Were they wrong? If not, how can an elected official be not only on the commission, but the chair?
The whining over a split between Reps and Dems on this panel is lame. And once again the so-called protectors of the minority (You progressives) wants to tell 40% of the state that there opinions don’t matter.
Tyranny of the majority indeed…
On one hand many of you have spoken about how the people have “self segregated” into there various enclaves. If this is the case then having the commission draw more contiguous districts which may flip a seat or 2 should matter little.
What does matter is a more transparent and open process. You guys are all for freedom of choice and fairness…
Until it will cost you politically.
Have you even considered that more moderate Republicans may be elected??? I guess that doesn’t matter because you all hate those not of your progressive ilk.
Guess what??? Just like the far right wing, the sum of all your far left views here are shared by MAYBE 20% of the CA populace.
Most people are in the middle. Deal with it.