Geoff Kors Steps Down at Equality California

Geoff Kors has been something of an institution in the California LGBT community, being on the job at Equality California since 2002.  Yesterday, he announced that he was stepping down.  His record at EQCA was nothing to scoff at:

While Kors was at the helm, the organization successfully pushed about 70 LGBT rights bills through the Legislature, including creating domestic partnerships and legalizing same-sex marriage. Both bills to legalize same-sex marriage were vetoed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Other bills strengthened anti-bullying policies in schools, expanded rights for transgender people and created a Harvey Milk Day in the California.

He and the organization came under fire by some in the LGBT community, however, after the successful passage of Prop. 8, which eliminated same-sex marriage rights, in 2008. Kors was a leader of the failed effort to defeat the ballot measure.(SF Gate)

Of course, the later part of his tenure was dominated by marriage equality issues, and ultimately the passage of Prop 8.  However, his work helped move California towards equality.  He hasn’t announced his next move, but best of luck to him in his future endeavors.