As I remember, Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell was considered some progress in the civil rights arena. But now to see an end to it so that gay members of the military can serve as openly and honestly as anyone makes me happy and proud.

Did it take too long to get here?  Of course.  Today I will remember all the men who served time in Leavenworth Prison for being gay while in the military (it was a 20 year sentence).  I will remember those who fought discrimination when it was the hardest to do so.  

I’ll remember those who opposed civil rights progress (they are the ones who fight nearly all forms of civil rights progress), but not today.  Today I’m grateful for what what has been achieved.  Although I am not gay, every advance in civil rights is a blessing for all of us.  Every oppression oppresses all of us.

To all who played a role in making this happen, thank you.