Your Tax Dollars at Work: Tim Donnelly’s Waste of 5 Minutes

Well, those are five minutes that I’ll never get back again. To your right, you will find Asm. Tim Donnelly’s web video that he shot in his Assembly office.  It is not often that I recommend not watching a video I post, but that is what I do here.  Better uses of your time include watching paint dry and walking over burning coals.

In it, amongst other brilliant ideas, he enlightens us on his theory on what the Employment Development Department does.  Except…he has no clue what it does.  He says that its purpose is to “create jobs.” Except, no, that is only one part of what it does.  It does help those who are on the unemployment roles iin workforce development, but, there’s that other part. That would be unemployment, which the EDD manages.

Apparently Tim Donnelly wants to get rid of unemployment benefits in the state. I’m sure the idea might be popular with some of his rich donors, but I’m not sure how that would go over with the middle class folks in his district.

Oh, and he also wants to eliminate CARB, which “tries to fix global warming, if you still believe in that.”

Anyway, this guy has been getting some attention for this video. Apparently shredders are popular enough to land you on the Fox Business channel.  

One thought on “Your Tax Dollars at Work: Tim Donnelly’s Waste of 5 Minutes”

  1. There’s the genesis of a really good attention grabbing idea in that video but Assemblyman Donnelly wiffed at it.  With proper research and a little due diligence he could have outlined some real cuts, torn out a lot more pages, and started a real conversation about how much we want this budget to hurt versus how much in new taxes we can pay.

    Instead it looks like a bit of a cheap point scoring stunt, and the crass comments aren’t really constructive or helpful either.


    Time for the minority party in Sacramanto to have an in-depth and honest conversation with the voters about cuts; where and how deep?  Governor Brown has but his cards on the table, lets see yours, and let the people decide which plan is best.

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