Rep. Issa: Investigate This Now

For weeks with the IssaWatch project, I've been working with the Courage Campaign to chronicle Darrell Issa's solicitation of conservative think tanks, industry groups and corporations for guidance on his committee's oversight agenda. We think it's time that Darrell Issa also hear from the constituents, Californians, and Americans who are relying on him for non-partisan, unbiased oversight in DC — not just those who demand access because they're rich and powerful.
Below the fold is the email that we've sent to thousands of Courage members asking for their input.

Last Saturday, the Courage Campaign helped organize a protest of the “Billionaire’s Caucus” — a secret political strategy meeting hosted by oil conglomerate Koch Industries for big polluters, Wall Street robber barons, right-wing media personalities, and those who do their bidding in Washington. They’ve given tens of thousands to House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and his new Subcommittee Chairs. And now he’s giving them an unprecedented opportunity to pad their profits at taxpayer expense.  We will not let this stand.
Darrell Issa knows where his bread is buttered.
That’s why the first thing he did as House Oversight Committee Chair was to ask corporate lobbyists and his rich industry friends to tell him what to investigate.  In other words, Issa’s top priority was to make government even more responsive to the wealthy and well-connected.
It’s time to remind Darrell Issa who he works for.
From delivering earmarks to campaign contributors to holding secret meetings with lobbyists, Darrell Issa has a bad habit of treating his constituents as an afterthought.
Unfortunately, not one of the fat cats who received Issa’s letter are among the 1 in 10 homeowners in his district facing foreclosure, his 331,000 constituents with pre-existing health conditions, the 2.27 million Californians who are out of work, or the countless others who await the return of loved ones from Iraq and Afghanistan.
It’s time that Rep. Issa listened to the hard working families on main street—not just the lobbyists on K Street.
Chairman Issa works for us, as Californians and Americans, not for a select few corporate lobbyists. Help us remind him, by telling him what you want to investigate.
Thanks for your hard work,
P.S.  Time and again, we’ve shown the only way to compete with big corporate power is with people power.  Please share this urgent message along to five friends and urge them to make their voices heard.