CA-36: Bowen to Enter Race to Replace Harman

Debra Bowen, our outstanding Secretary of State, will, according to Politico, soon make it official:

California Secretary of State Debra Bowen will announce Tuesday that she is joining the race to succeed former Democratic Rep. Jane Harman, according to a source close to Bowen. (Politico)

To be honest, I can’t imagine anybody that would be a better advocate for her community and all of California. However, that being said, Janice Hahn, the generally liked LA City Council member, already has the endorsement of some heavy hitters, including Dianne Feinstein, and has always been a pretty good fundraiser.  Bowen, on the other hand, has never been known as a powerhouse on the campaign cash side of things.  Either way, it should be a very interesting race.

Debra Bowen has been an outstanding friend to the netroots, but I’m interested in what others are thinking.

5 thoughts on “CA-36: Bowen to Enter Race to Replace Harman”

  1. I’m thinking Debra Bowen for Congress.

    Dianne Feinstein’s endorsement is a negative in my book, anyhow.

  2. Her past interactions with HealTheBay and Angeles chapter of Sierra Club should bring out grassroots supporters, and possibly some big money from the environmentally conscious types in the L.A. entertainment business.

  3. We’d have to have ANOTHER special election for SOS?

    Any progress on making Her Harmanness pay for this one?

  4. I saw Janice Hahn speak at the Dem straw poll last year and liked her, but I think the basis of both national and state electoral problems is money. Debra Bowen is pro publicly funded elections. I like her a lot and would work for her election in any way I can.  

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