Whoops! Redistricting Commission Flubs Scheduling

Take a look at the Redistricting commission’s schedule. Specifically, look at the end of June, where you will find the final Sunday’s meeting is in San Francisco.  If you happen to know much about San Francisco, you’ll also think to yourself, isn’t there some big event in the Civic Center that weekend?

Well, you are a pretty sharp cookie.  Because June 26 happens to the San Francisco Pride event which attracts hundreds of thousands of LGBT locals, visitors, and their friends, to the Civic Center.  Note that the Civic Center also happens to be where meetings like the redistricting commission typically meet. So, it is even doubtful that people could get into the building.  All in all, probably not the best time for a meeting.

The Alice B Toklas LGBT Democratic Club sent a letter to the commission noting the issue, and pointing out both the importance of SF Pride and of the openness of the redistricting commission’s hearing.  The latest update is that the Commission is now working to reschedule the meeting (likely to the following Monday, 6/27).

So, hooray for local Democratic clubs who pay attention to redistricting.

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