CA-36 Secretary Of State Debra Bowen Blasts House Republican Plan To Abolish Medicare

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) introduced a 10-year budget proposal that would essentially eliminate Medicare and Medicaid, replacing it with a voucher and managed-care system that would drastically curtail benefits for the poor, disabled and elderly.

“This is not a budget. This is a cause,” Ryan said yesterday on Fox News. “We are here to try and fix this country’s problems. If that means we are giving our political adversaries a political weapon to use against us… shame on them. We owe it to the country to give them an honest debate.”

Democrats universally condemned the plan, including CA-36 candidate Debra Bowen,

“Let’s be clear: these are not simply ‘cuts,’ and this is not simply ‘reform.’ This is fundamentally abolishing Medicare as we know it and replacing it with a voucher system — one with no cost controls which will force seniors to pay a greater and greater share of their medical bills out of pocket over time.

“While the Ryan Budget is a sweet deal for private health insurance companies and multi-millionaires, it breaks the faith with America’s seniors and the tens of millions of working class Americans who have paid into Medicare their whole lives. It should not be passed.”

The prospects for California would be pretty grim. Low-income Medicaid beneficiaries will lose their guaranteed benefits altogether. Currently, Medicaid is a shared responsibility between the federal government and states, which are required to provide comprehensive health care benefits to people in poverty. Ryan’s plan turns the program into block grants for the states — with no guarantees.

Cash-strapped states like California would likely be forced to drop beneficiaries from the rolls should the plan become law.

12 thoughts on “CA-36 Secretary Of State Debra Bowen Blasts House Republican Plan To Abolish Medicare”

  1. They are all multi-millionaires. I say that they all need to be removed from moffic e. We need these systems in place for what they were ment for. The nexct republican that wants to abolish it needs to be given a recall campaign so he/she knows how it feels to be messed with. ARE YOU WITH ME?!?!

  2. Hmmmmm

    too bad we don’t have a Democratic President to speak out against these Tea Buggers

    Maybe when we get a Democratic President he’ll champion social programs and find revenue by ending tax cuts for the rich

    I hope Jerry Brown doesn’t take his lead from the Bozo in the White House

  3. I’ve seen what happens when You have not enough Vouchers, You either have a waiting list or a closed waiting list(Section 8 for the Poor, Seniors & the Disabled), As the amount of money going to these gets eroded year by year by Republicans, So I’m not crazy about vouchers at all.

    I’d rather have all the Federal Medical Plans(Tricare, Medicare, Medicaid(Medi-Cal in CA), VA Medical, etc) combined into one do It all Medical Plan, It would get rid of most of the duplicated bureaucracies, As then enforcement efforts could be tightened with all the examiners from all of the different plans all under one roof, Thereby eliminating real waste & hopefully fraud by those so called Doctors offices/Medical Supply houses operating out of a Post Office.

    Of course waste to the far right [infected]Koch-Republicans[/infected] is anyone who dares apply for what is their legal right to apply for, Which is wrong.

  4. First of the all, the plan has no hope of passing the senate and there isn’t enough votes to override a presidential veto.

    Second, let’s talk about some real issues as they pertain to this budget.

    Will Bowen vote to cut military spending?

    Would she vote to defund the wars?

    Only Marcy Winograd has the courage to take those positions.

  5. From the LA Times

    …. Janice Hahn….

    ….Career highlights: teacher, Good News Academy, a private school in Westchester, 1974-78  public affairs regional manager, Southern California Edison Co., 1995-2000….’

    ‘…public affairs regional manager, Southern California Edison Co., 1995-2000….’

    That was when ENERGY DEREGULATION was being PUSHED on Calfiornians


    She WORKED for SCE when De-Regulation was being foitesd on California


    We PAID for SCE’s NUKES !!

    You’re doing a HECKUVA JOB, JANICE !!!


  6. want to protect military budget from cuts.  Both Bowen and Hahn are loyal Dem flacks.  They have not called for cuts on military budget.  Why?  

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