ACORN? Irony Abounds With Gov. Schwarzenegger

Governor Schwarzenegger was scheduled for a photo op at Acorn Woodland School a few weeks ago, but the visit was trumped by his need to visit the LA fires and locate hot barbells that day.

Acorn Woodland is located in East Oakland and is a living miracle. The community it serves is very poor, 85% of the kids qualify for the price reduced or free lunch program, 55% of the kids have limited English. In 1997, those darned ACORN activists began a community discussion about what to do with a blighted property in the neighborhood. They had a vision of a wonderful new school there. After years networking, building support and getting a bond passed to pay for it, Acorn Woodland Elementary was born as one of Oakland’s new small schools.

Why did the Governor think this was a great place for a photo op?

Test Scores. Acorn Woodland Elementary in Oakland is one of the state’s five highest-improving schools. They raised their API, or Academic Performance Index, 120 points in one year and nearly 300 in five.

Fanny Brown, East Oakland resident since 1968 and one of the school’s founders reminisces on the beginnings of Acorn Woodland here –>

He missed his photo op, and seems not to even know it was at a school founded by ACORN and in fact is even named Acorn. But hey, let’s demonize ACORN activists today. It’s the thing to do.

One thought on “ACORN? Irony Abounds With Gov. Schwarzenegger”

  1. Irony it is,’s also something much deeper. ACORN must be publicly recognized for its many, many accomplishments. This story is a sterling example. Please, let’s get it front and center to all our California state and federal legislators, especially to Gov. Schwarzenegger, but also widely to the media. Thanks, caligal

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