Former Lt. Gov. makes suspicious loans to his Congressional campaign
by Brian Leubitz
You would assume that Abel Maldonado would have preferred to be lapping up the nothingness that Gavin Newsom is currently enjoying. But that LG race didn’t turn out like he would have liked, so he’s off to a different campaign, the new 24th Congressional.
One of several Republicans hoping to challenge incumbent Rep. Lois Capps, D-Santa Barbara, Maldonado has dropped big money into his campaign, retrieved it quickly and then dropped it back in again.
The rapid cycling of money, timed to fundraising deadlines, could appear like a way to inflate campaign reports and demonstrate political viability. Or, as Maldonado’s campaign consultants say, it could be simple prudence.
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Seemingly mirroring campaign moves seen last year in a Northern San Joaquin Valley congressional race, Maldonado loaned his House campaign $250,000 on June 30. Coming on the last day of the fundraising period, the loan, combined with contributions, enabled Maldonado to show a respectable $531,401 on hand.(SLO Tribune)
Mighty convenient for St. Maldo how awesome it makes you look without well, actually having to raise the money. Meanwhile Capps has almost $900K in the bank to fight what will likely be one of the most competitive races in the nation. But, who knows, maybe our friend Abel will simply talk himself out of a real race.
Capps is a solid member of Congress that knows the district and represents it well. Abel? Well, opportunist is the first word that comes to mind.
is the second word that comes to mind. I think of it every time I see the man. Hard to believe anybody would elect him to anything–especially Congress!