Save the Internet

Soon, Congress will vote on legislation that will literally end the Internet as we know it.

The so-called “Stop Online Piracy Act” is a well-intentioned bill that goes too far to stop online piracy and gives our government the power to severely censor the Internet. That’s why I am partnering with the Progressive Change Campaign Committee and sites like Google, Reddit, and Wikipedia in opposing the legislation. It’s also why, today, we have taken down and replaced our campaign website in protest.

It isn’t just our campaign that is protesting this legislation by taking down our website; there are thousands more ranging from liberal and conservative blogs, non-profit organizations and sites as big as Wikipedia.

This is an Internet-wide movement where millions are standing up and fighting to save the Internet from government censorship. The key to a strong democracy is a free and open Internet that allows people to be innovative without fear of censorship from the U.S. government or lawsuits from big corporations.

I implore you to take a few moments to visit our site today. Learn more about why this legislation is such a bad idea and sign our joint petition with the PCCC demanding Washington abandon online censorship:

Thanks for everything

– Jose

6 thoughts on “Save the Internet”

  1. It is not surprising that this Congress would not be able to write legislation that is reasonable for addressing technology and copyright.  As noted last night on the Daily Show, you have several Congresscritters commenting on their lack of knowledge of how the Internet works, followed by a comment on needing to ask some “nerds” about it.

    Any other field, I am sure they’d be seeking “experts” or “scientists” or “engineers.”  The level of disrespect shown by using the term “nerd” is clearly shown in the quality of legislation written.

    It is particularly disgusting that Zoe Lofgren, whose district includes the corporate headquarters for Cisco, used that term.  Were I to live in her district (I don’t — Jackie Speier is my representative) I would certainly let her know my displeasure at that lack of respect for my profession.

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